Home > Bulletproof Lecturn NIJ IIIA
Bulletproof Preacher Lectern
Custom Product
Product Description:
This custom product was requested by a Pastor that wanted to have some ballistic coverage in his lectern. Each side and the front of the inside of the lectern were cqaustom designed with Bulletblocker NIJ IIIA Bulletproof panels. The Pastor would lower himself down behind the lectern when in need of protection.
- Ballistics proudly 100% made in the United States of America.
- Removable Kevlar® bulletproof interior liner for cleaning and maintenance.
- BulletBlocker utilizes the latest DuPont™ Kevlar® technologies.
- Tested to the NIJ IIIA standards stopping a 357 Magnum, 44 Magnum, 9mm, .45 caliber hollow point ammunition and more.
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